Visual Studio Code
A free, lightweight, text editor with many extension options!
Last updated
A free, lightweight, text editor with many extension options!
Last updated
Visit the Visual Studio Code website and download the program
Make sure you check the "Open with code" boxes!
Prettier code formatter (JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, Vue, JSX)
Material icon theme (cosmetic only)
One Dark Pro (cosmetic only)
Download file, double click the ttf files and install the font
File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Font Family -> Fira Code
Download file, double click the ttf files you want and install the font
File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Font Family -> JetBrains Mono
You can search for these through File -> Preferences -> Settings
Built-in lua diagnostics
Trim trailing whitespace on file save
Selecting a theme
You can also do File -> Open Folder...
Can be accessed via the magnifying glass or using the keyboard shortcuts Shift
+ F
(varies by user if you've changed them)
Must have git installed!
There is some configuring to do with these extensions but most of it is just signing into your GitHub account and exploring the "source control" tab on the left!
Download the Git Extension Pack
Download GitHub Pull Requests and Issues
Sign up for GitHub Copilot and install (optional)