Add custom cars by adding them to your vehicles.lua in your qb-core Shared table
Test Drives:
Configurable time
Returns player once time is up
Can't take out more than one vehicle
Configurable down payment
Configurable maximum payments
Configurable commission amount for private dealerships
Checks for payments due on player join and updates times on player logout or quit
Lock to a specific job
Commission paid to sales person for private dealer
Create as many as desired with easy polyzone creation
Vehicle sale amount gets deposited into the cardealer society fund for private dealer
Sales floor
Menu for purchasing a car
Config.Commission = 0.10 -- Percent that goes to sales person from a full car sale 10%
Config.FinanceCommission = 0.05 -- Percent that goes to sales person from a finance sale 5%
Config.FinanceZone = vector3(-29.53, -1103.67, 26.42) -- Where the finance menu is located
Config.PaymentWarning = 10 -- time in minutes that player has to make payment before repo
Config.PaymentInterval = 24 -- time in hours between payment being due
Config.MinimumDown = 10 -- minimum percentage allowed down
Config.MaximumPayments = 24 -- maximum payments allowed
Setting up shops
A free-use shop can be accessed by any players whereas a managed shop can only be accessed by those with the configured job