Core Object

Let's dive into the core object of the qb-core resource!


The Core Object is the backbone of the qb-core framework, providing essential functionality and utilities for managing your server's gameplay mechanics, player data, and overall resource interactions. This page will guide you through the key features, methods, and best practices for using the Core Object effectively

How to Access the Core Object

We recommend using the core objects filtering capabilities instead of importing it all unless you need it!

To interact with the Core Object in your scripts, use the following pattern at the top of your script:

  • Always cache the Core Object in a local variable to avoid repeated calls to exports

local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

As of qb-core version 1.3.0 (check your fxmanifest.lua) you can decide what you want to get from the core object instead of importing it all! This change was made to reduce the amount of memory being stored inside each script because importing the full core brought a lot of overhead that wasn't needed.

-- I only need access to the functions of the core object!
local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject({'Functions'})

-- Now the below is available to use!
-- QBCore.Functions

-- I need access to the functions and the shared!
local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject({'Functions', 'Shared'})

-- Now the below are available to use!
-- QBCore.Functions
-- QBCore.Shared

Exported Functions

  • As of qb-core version 1.3.0 (check your fxmanifest.lua) all functions within the core object are exported so if you only need a single one you don't have to import them all! This is very handy if you are a script creator supporting different frameworks and don't need all the core information. You can now just call the functions you need.

local function getPlayer(source)
    return exports['qb-core']:GetPlayer(source)

Core Features


A collection of utility functions for common server and player operations.


A table containing all currently connected players.


Shared data like items, vehicles, and jobs.


The main configuration table for qb-core


A registry for custom server and client commands.

Example Usage

Accessing Player Data

  • You can use the Core Object to retrieve a player's data

local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

local function getPlayerJob(source)
    local player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
    if player then
        local job = player.PlayerData.job
        print("Player's job:",

Using Shared Data

  • Access shared data like items, vehicles, or jobs

local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

-- Retrieve details of a specific item
local item = QBCore.Shared.Items['water_bottle']
print("Item name:",
print("Item label:", item.label)

Registering Commands

  • The Core Object allows you to register custom commands for your server

local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

QBCore.Commands.Add('greet', 'Send a greeting', {}, false, function(source, args)
    local name = args[1] or 'player'
    TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', source, {
        template = '<div class="chat-message">Hello, {0}!</div>',
        args = { name }

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