Enter stuff here
Last updated
Enter stuff here
Last updated
An interactive NUI menu that allows users to input various values and can be used in all sorts of ways
RegisterCommand('testinput', function()
local dialog = exports['qb-input']:ShowInput({
header = "Test",
submitText = "Bill",
inputs = {
text = "Citizen ID (#)", -- text you want to be displayed as a place holder
name = "citizenid", -- name of the input should be unique otherwise it might override
type = "text", -- type of the input
isRequired = true, -- Optional [accepted values: true | false] but will submit the form if no value is inputted
-- default = "CID-1234", -- Default text option, this is optional
text = "Secret Code (Give to Nobody)", -- text you want to be displayed as a place holder
name = "code", -- name of the input should be unique otherwise it might override
type = "password", -- type of the input
isRequired = true, -- Optional [accepted values: true | false] but will submit the form if no value is inputted
-- default = "password123", -- Default text option, this is optional
text = "Bill Price ($)", -- text you want to be displayed as a place holder
name = "billprice", -- name of the input should be unique otherwise it might override
type = "number", -- type of the input - number will not allow non-number characters in the field so only accepts 0-9
isRequired = false, -- Optional [accepted values: true | false] but will submit the form if no value is inputted
-- default = 1, -- Default number option, this is optional
text = "Bill Type", -- text you want to be displayed as a input header
name = "billtype", -- name of the input should be unique otherwise it might override
type = "radio", -- type of the input - Radio is useful for "or" options e.g; billtype = Cash OR Bill OR bank
options = { -- The options (in this case for a radio) you want displayed, more than 6 is not recommended
{ value = "bill", text = "Bill" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "cash", text = "Cash" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "bank", text = "Bank" } -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
-- default = "cash", -- Default radio option, must match a value from above, this is optional
text = "Include Tax?", -- text you want to be displayed as a input header
name = "taxincl", -- name of the input should be unique otherwise it might override
type = "checkbox", -- type of the input - Check is useful for "AND" options e.g; taxincle = gst AND business AND othertax
options = { -- The options (in this case for a check) you want displayed, more than 6 is not recommended
{ value = "gst", text = "10% incl."}, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "business", text = "35% incl.", checked = true }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option, checked = true is default value, optional
{ value = "othertax", text = "15% incl."} -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
text = "Some Select", -- text you want to be displayed as a input header
name = "someselect", -- name of the input should be unique otherwise it might override
type = "select", -- type of the input - Select is useful for 3+ amount of "or" options e.g; someselect = none OR other OR other2 OR other3...etc
options = { -- Select drop down options, the first option will by default be selected
{ value = "none", text = "None" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other", text = "Other"}, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other2", text = "Other2" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other3", text = "Other3" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other4", text = "Other4" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other5", text = "Other5" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
{ value = "other6", text = "Other6" }, -- Options MUST include a value and a text option
-- default = 'other3', -- Default select option, must match a value from above, this is optional
if dialog ~= nil then
for k,v in pairs(dialog) do
print(k .. " : " .. v)
end, false)