Aim a gun at a ped driver for a chance to rob their keys
Config.HotwireChance = 0.5 -- chance for successful hotwire or not
Config.RemoveLockpickNormal = 0.5 -- chance to remove lockpick on fail
Config.RemoveLockpickAdvanced = 0.2 -- chance to remove advanced lockpick on fail
Config.CarjackingTime = 7500 -- progress bar time
Config.DelayBetweenCarjackings = 10000 -- cooldown between car jacking
Config.TimeBetweenHotwires = 5000 -- cooldown between hotwire actions
Config.minHotwireTime = 20000 -- progress bar time
Config.maxHotwireTime = 40000 -- progress bar time
Config.AlertCooldown = 10000 -- cooldown between police alerts in milliseconds
Config.PoliceAlertChance = 1.75 -- chance of alerting police during the day
Config.PoliceNightAlertChance = 1.50 -- chance of alerting police at night
Config.ImmuneVehicles = { -- These vehicles cannot be jacked
Config.NoLockVehicles = { -- These vehicles cannot be locked
Blacklisted weapons
Config.NoCarjackWeapons = { -- you can not jack a car with these weapons