Manage your server and players efficiently
Last updated
Manage your server and players efficiently
Last updated
The admin menu offers a wide range of capabilities and utilizes the popular menu resource menuV as a dependency. The base permission level for opening it is admin but can also be accessed with a god level permission as well. The menu is easily expandible and allows for as many options as the user desires
Adds a blip to the map for all players. Useful to monitor player locations.
Permission level: admin
Shows your current coordinates in vector3(x, y, z)
Permission level: admin
Sets the current vehicle to have maximum performance modifications
Permission level: admin
Saves the current vehicle to the database table player_vehicles
allowing access to the vehicle in the garage
Permission level: admin
Creates an announcement to be sent to all players in the chat.
Permission level: admin
message - (required) The message to send
Sends a message to staff in the chat and stores the message as a report
Permission level: user
message - (required) The message to send
Replies to a user report with the given message
Permission level: admin
message - (required) The message to send in the reply
Opt in/out of receiving player reports in chat
Permission level: admin
Sends a message in chat visible only to users with the 'admin' permission level
Permission level: admin
message - (required) The message to send
Sends a message to the player with the given id
with the reason
given. Also, adds a warning against the player in the database table player_warns
Permission level: admin
id - (required) The id of the player being warned
reason - (required) The reason for giving a warning
Checks for existing warnings against a player with the given id
. If no warning number is given in the command, it will display the number of warnings the player has received. If a warning number is given in the command, it will display that warning.
Permission level: admin
id - (required) The id of the player being checked
number - (optional) The warning number (1, 2, 3, etc...)
Deletes a warning from a player and removes the database entry
Permission level: admin
id - (required) The id of the player
number - (required) The warning number to be deleted (1, 2, 3 etc...)
This command sets the NUI focus state for a player with the given id
. This allows you to manually set the following native: https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0x5B98AE30
Useful if a player is stuck in an NUI overlay.
Permission level: admin
id - (required) The id of the player
hasFocus - (required) [true/false] Whether the NUI has focus or not
hasCursor - (required) [true/false] Whether the player has cursor when using NUI
Changes the ped model
of the player with the given id
Permission level: admin
model - (required) The ped model to change to
id - (required) The id of the player whos ped model is being changed
Sets your foot speed between default and "fast"
Permission level: admin
speed - (optional) ["fast"] will set foot speed to "fast". If this argument is left blank it will set foot speed to "normal"
Sets the ammo amount for current gun in hand or weapon
if given
Permission level: admin
amount - (required) The amount of ammo to set
weapon - (optional) The weapon to set the ammo for. Will set ammo for current gun in hand if left blank
Copies vector2(x, y)
to clipboard of your current coordinates.
Permission level: admin
Copies vector3(x, y, z)
to clipboard of your current coordinates
Permission level: admin