This will be updated to use the qbcore locale system
Config.messages = {
["not_on_radio"] = "You're not connected to a signal",
["on_radio"] = "You're already connected to this signal",
["joined_to_radio"] = "You're connected to: ",
["restricted_channel_error"] = "You can not connect to this signal!",
["invalid_radio"] = "This frequency is not available.",
["you_on_radio"] = "You're already connected to this channel",
["you_leave"] = "You left the channel.",
['volume_radio'] = 'New volume ',
['decrease_radio_volume'] = 'The radio is already set to maximum volume',
['increase_radio_volume'] = 'The radio is already set to the lowest volume',
['increase_decrease_radio_channel'] = 'New channel ',