
Always watching you...


qb-target is a targeting solution that allows interaction with any predefined entity, model, entity type or polyzone. While activated you can easily and safely replace markers and distance checking, instead of relying on intuitive design to improve player experiences and optimize interaction.


  • Maintains compatibility with bt-target while providing improved utility and performance

  • Optimized and improved raycasting function allows interaction with a wider range of entities

  • Add generic options to apply for all players, peds, vehicles, or objects

  • Trigger an event, function or command after clicking an option, with the ability to pass any data through

  • Define distance on a per-option or overall basis when triggering a target option

  • Ability to redefine or remove options and add new options without replacing old ones

  • Update the option list when moving towards or away from a target with variable distances on their options

  • Support for entity bones, with built-in tables for opening vehicle doors

  • Support checking for job, gang, citizenid, items, or specific entities

  • Utilise the canInteract function for advanced checks to show or hide an option based on any trigger

  • Ped spawner to spawn peds and assign target options to them all in one place

These are Templates for all the functions in qb-target


Function Format

-- This is the function from how you would use it inside qb-target/client.lua
AddCircleZone(name: string, center: vector3, radius: float, options: table, targetoptions: table)

options = {
  name: string (UNIQUE),
  debugPoly: boolean,

targetoptions = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table,
      drawDistance: number,
      drawColor: table,
      successDrawColor: table
  distance: float

Config option, this will go into the Config.CircleZones table

  ["index"] = { -- This can be a string or a number
    name = "name", -- This is the name of the zone recognized by PolyZone, this has to be unique so it doesn't mess up with other zones
    coords = vector3(x, y, z), -- These are the coords for the zone, this has to be a vector3 and the coords have to be a float value, fill in x, y and z with the coords
    radius = 1.5, -- The radius of the circlezone calculated from the center of the zone, this has to be a float value
    debugPoly = false, -- This is for enabling/disabling the drawing of the box, it accepts only a boolean value (true or false), when true it will draw the polyzone in green
    options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
      { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
        num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
        type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
        event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
        icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
        label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
        targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
        item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
        action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
        canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          return true
        job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
        gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
        citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
        drawDistance = 10.0, -- This is the distance for the sprite to draw if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this is in GTA Units (OPTIONAL)
        drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
        successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
    distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

exports['qb-target']:AddCircleZone("name", vector3(x, y, z), 1.5, { -- The name has to be unique, the coords a vector3 as shown and the 1.5 is the radius which has to be a float value
  name = "name", -- This is the name of the zone recognized by PolyZone, this has to be unique so it doesn't mess up with other zones
  debugPoly = false, -- This is for enabling/disabling the drawing of the box, it accepts only a boolean value (true or false), when true it will draw the polyzone in green
}, {
  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
      drawDistance = 10.0, -- This is the distance for the sprite to draw if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this is in GTA Units (OPTIONAL)
      drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
      successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

-- This is the function from how you would use it inside qb-target/client.lua
AddBoxZone(name: string, center: vector3, length: float, width: float, options: table, targetoptions: table)

options = {
  name: string (UNIQUE),
  heading: float,
  debugPoly: boolean,
  minZ: float,
  maxZ: float,

targetoptions = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table,
      drawDistance: number,
      drawColor: table,
      successDrawColor: table
  distance: float

Config option, this will go into the Config.BoxZones table

  ["index"] = { -- This can be a string or a number
    name = "name", -- This is the name of the zone recognized by PolyZone, this has to be unique so it doesn't mess up with other zones
    coords = vector3(x, y, z), -- These are the coords for the zone, this has to be a vector3 and the coords have to be a float value, fill in x, y and z with the coords
    length = 1.5, -- The length of the boxzone calculated from the center of the zone, this has to be a float value
    width = 1.6, -- The width of the boxzone calculated from the center of the zone, this has to be a float value
    heading = 12.0, -- The heading of the boxzone, this has to be a float value
    debugPoly = false, -- This is for enabling/disabling the drawing of the box, it accepts only a boolean value (true or false), when true it will draw the polyzone in green
    minZ = 36.7, -- This is the bottom of the boxzone, this can be different from the Z value in the coords, this has to be a float value
    maxZ = 38.9, -- This is the top of the boxzone, this can be different from the Z value in the coords, this has to be a float value
    options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
      { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
        num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
        type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
        event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
        icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
        label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
        targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
        item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
        action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
        canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          return true
        job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
        gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
        citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
        drawDistance = 10.0, -- This is the distance for the sprite to draw if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this is in GTA Units (OPTIONAL)
        drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
        successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
    distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

exports['qb-target']:AddBoxZone("name", vector3(x, y, z), 1.5, 1.6, { -- The name has to be unique, the coords a vector3 as shown, the 1.5 is the length of the boxzone and the 1.6 is the width of the boxzone, the length and width have to be float values
  name = "name", -- This is the name of the zone recognized by PolyZone, this has to be unique so it doesn't mess up with other zones
  heading = 12.0, -- The heading of the boxzone, this has to be a float value
  debugPoly = false, -- This is for enabling/disabling the drawing of the box, it accepts only a boolean value (true or false), when true it will draw the polyzone in green
  minZ = 36.7, -- This is the bottom of the boxzone, this can be different from the Z value in the coords, this has to be a float value
  maxZ = 38.9, -- This is the top of the boxzone, this can be different from the Z value in the coords, this has to be a float value
}, {
  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
      drawDistance = 10.0, -- This is the distance for the sprite to draw if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this is in GTA Units (OPTIONAL)
      drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
      successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

-- This is the function from how you would use it inside qb-target/client.lua
AddPolyZone(name: string, points: table, options: table, targetoptions: table)

points = {
  vector2(x, y), vector2(x, y), -- Add a minimum of 3 points for this to work and they have to be in order of drawing

options = {
  name: string (UNIQUE),
  debugPoly: boolean,
  minZ: float,
  maxZ: float

targetoptions = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table,
      drawDistance: number,
      drawColor: table,
      successDrawColor: table
  distance: float

Config option, this will go into the Config.BoxZones table

  ["index"] = { -- This can be a string or a number
    name = "name", -- This is the name of the zone recognized by PolyZone, this has to be unique so it doesn't mess up with other zones
    points = { -- This will draw the polyzones in order on the specific coords, every coord is a point that it will draw on
      vector2(x, y), vector2(x, y), vector2(x, y), vector2(x, y),
    debugPoly = false, -- This is for enabling/disabling the drawing of the box, it accepts only a boolean value (true or false), when true it will draw the polyzone in green
    minZ = 36.7, -- This is the bottom of the boxzone, this can be different from the Z value in the coords, this has to be a float value
    maxZ = 38.9, -- This is the top of the boxzone, this can be different from the Z value in the coords, this has to be a float value
    options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
      { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
        num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
        type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
        event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
        icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
        label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
        targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
        item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
        action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
        canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          return true
        job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
        gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
        citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
        drawDistance = 10.0, -- This is the distance for the sprite to draw if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this is in GTA Units (OPTIONAL)
        drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
        successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
    distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

local points = {
  vector2(x, y, z), vector2(x, y, z), vector2(x, y, z)
exports['qb-target']:AddPolyZone("name", points, {
  name = "name", -- This is the name of the zone recognized by PolyZone, this has to be unique so it doesn't mess up with other zones
  debugPoly = false, -- This is for enabling/disabling the drawing of the box, it accepts only a boolean value (true or false), when true it will draw the polyzone in green
  minZ = 36.7, -- This is the bottom of the polyzone, this can be different from the Z value in the coords, this has to be a float value
  maxZ = 38.9, -- This is the top of the polyzone, this can be different from the Z value in the coords, this has to be a float value
}, {
  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
      drawDistance = 10.0, -- This is the distance for the sprite to draw if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this is in GTA Units (OPTIONAL)
      drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
      successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

-- This is the function from how you would use it inside qb-target/client.lua
AddComboZone(zones: table, options: table, targetoptions: table)

zones = {zone1: zone, zone2: zone} -- Minimum of 2 zones

options = {
  name: string (UNIQUE),
  debugPoly: boolean

targetoptions = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table,
      drawDistance: number,
      drawColor: table,
      successDrawColor: table
  distance: float

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

local zone1 = BoxZone:Create(vector3(500, 500, 100), 3.0, 5.0, {
  name = "test",
  debugPoly = false
local zone2 = BoxZone:Create(vector3(400, 400, 100), 3.0, 5.0, {
  name = "test2",
  debugPoly = false
local zones = {zone1, zone2}
exports['qb-target']:AddComboZone(zones, {
  name = "name", -- This is the name of the zone recognized by PolyZone, this has to be unique so it doesn't mess up with other zones
  debugPoly = false, -- This is for enabling/disabling the drawing of the box, it accepts only a boolean value (true or false), when true it will draw the polyzone in green
}, {
  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
      drawDistance = 10.0, -- This is the distance for the sprite to draw if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this is in GTA Units (OPTIONAL)
      drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
      successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

-- This is the function from how you would use it inside qb-target/client.lua
AddTargetBone(bones: table or string, parameters: table)

parameters = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table
  distance: float

Config option, this will go into the Config.TargetBones table

  ["index"] = { -- This can be a string or a number
    bones = {'boot', 'bonnet'} -- This is your bones table, this specifies all the bones that have to be added to the targetoptions, this can be a string or a table
    options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
      { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
        num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
        type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
        event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
        icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
        label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
        targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
        item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
        action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
        canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          return true
        job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
        gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
        citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
    distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

local bones = {
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetBone(bones, { -- The bones can be a string or a table
  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

AddTargetEntity(entity: number or table, parameters: table)

parameters = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table
  distance: float

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

  local model = `a_m_m_indian_01`
  while not HasModelLoaded(model) do
  local entity = CreatePed(0, model, GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()), true, false)
  exports['qb-target']:AddTargetEntity(entity, { -- The specified entity number
    options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
      { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
        num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
        type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
        event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
        icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
        label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
        targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
        item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
        action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
        canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          return true
        job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
        gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
        citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
    distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

AddEntityZone(name: string, entity: number, options: table, targetoptions: table)

options = {
  name: string (UNIQUE),
  debugPoly: boolean,

targetoptions = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table,
      drawDistance: number,
      drawColor: table,
      successDrawColor: table
  distance: float

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

  local model = `a_m_m_indian_01`
  while not HasModelLoaded(model) do
  local entity = CreatePed(0, model, GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()), true, false)
  exports['qb-target']:AddEntityZone("name", entity, { -- The specified entity number
    name = "name", -- This is the name of the zone recognized by PolyZone, this has to be unique so it doesn't mess up with other zones
    debugPoly = false, -- This is for enabling/disabling the drawing of the box, it accepts only a boolean value (true or false), when true it will draw the polyzone in green 
  }, {
    options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
      { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
        num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
        type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
        event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
        icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
        label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
        targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
        item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
        action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
        canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          return true
        job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
        gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
        citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
        drawDistance = 10.0, -- This is the distance for the sprite to draw if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this is in GTA Units (OPTIONAL)
        drawColor = {255, 255, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
        successDrawColor = {30, 144, 255, 255}, -- This is the color of the sprite if Config.DrawSprite is enabled, this will change the color for this PolyZone only, if this is not present, it will fallback to Config.DrawColor, for more information, check the comment above Config.DrawColor (OPTIONAL)
    distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

AddTargetModel(models: string or table, parameters: table)

parameters = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table
  distance: float

Config option, this will go into the Config.TargetModels table

  ["index"] = { -- This can be a string or a number
    models = { -- This is your models table, here you define all the target models to be interacted with, this can be a string or a table
    options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
      { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
        num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
        type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
        event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
        icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
        label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
        targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
        item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
        action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
        canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
          if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
          return true
        job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
        gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
        citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
    distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

local models = {
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetModel(models, { -- This defines the models, can be a string or a table
  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

RemoveZone(name: string)

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one



Function Format

RemoveTargetBone(bones: table or string, labels: table or string)

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

exports['qb-target']:RemoveTargetBone('bonnet', 'Test')


Function Format

RemoveTargetModel(models: table or string, labels: table or string)

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

exports['qb-target']:RemoveTargetModel('a_m_m_indian_01', 'Test')


Function Format

RemoveTargetEntity(entity: number or table, labels: table or string)

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

exports['qb-target']:RemoveTargetEntity(entity, 'Test')


Function Format

AddGlobalPed(parameters: table)

parameters = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table
  distance: float

Config option, this will go into the Config.GlobalPedOptions table

  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

AddGlobalVehicle(parameters: table)

parameters = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table
  distance: float

Config option, this will go into the Config.GlobalVehicleOptions table

  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

AddGlobalObject(parameters: table)

parameters = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table
  distance: float

Config option, this will go into the Config.GlobalObjectOptions table

  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

AddGlobalPlayer(parameters: table)

parameters = {
  options = {
      num: number,
      type: string,
      event: string,
      icon: string,
      label: string,
      targeticon: string,
      item: string,
      action: function,
      canInteract: function,
      job: string or table,
      gang: string or table
  distance: float

Config option, this will go into the Config.GlobalPlayerOptions table

  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

  options = { -- This is your options table, in this table all the options will be specified for the target to accept
    { -- This is the first table with options, you can make as many options inside the options table as you want
      num = 1, -- This is the position number of your option in the list of options in the qb-target context menu (OPTIONAL)
      type = "client", -- This specifies the type of event the target has to trigger on click, this can be "client", "server", "command" or "qbcommand", this is OPTIONAL and will only work if the event is also specified
      event = "Test:Event", -- This is the event it will trigger on click, this can be a client event, server event, command or qbcore registered command, NOTICE: Normal command can't have arguments passed through, QBCore registered ones can have arguments passed through
      icon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon that will display next to this trigger option
      label = 'Test', -- This is the label of this option which you would be able to click on to trigger everything, this has to be a string
      targeticon = 'fas fa-example', -- This is the icon of the target itself, the icon changes to this when it turns blue on this specific option, this is OPTIONAL
      item = 'handcuffs', -- This is the item it has to check for, this option will only show up if the player has this item, this is OPTIONAL
      action = function(entity) -- This is the action it has to perform, this REPLACES the event and this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        TriggerEvent('testing:event', 'test') -- Triggers a client event called testing:event and sends the argument 'test' with it
      canInteract = function(entity, distance, data) -- This will check if you can interact with it, this won't show up if it returns false, this is OPTIONAL
        if IsPedAPlayer(entity) then return false end -- This will return false if the entity interacted with is a player and otherwise returns true
        return true
      job = 'police', -- This is the job, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this job, this can also be done with multiple jobs and grades, if you want multiple jobs you always need a grade with it: job = {["police"] = 0, ["ambulance"] = 2},
      gang = 'ballas', -- This is the gang, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this gang, this can also be done with multiple gangs and grades, if you want multiple gangs you always need a grade with it: gang = {["ballas"] = 0, ["thelostmc"] = 2},
      citizenid = 'JFD98238', -- This is the citizenid, this option won't show up if the player doesn't have this citizenid, this can also be done with multiple citizenid's, if you want multiple citizenid's there is a specific format to follow: citizenid = {["JFD98238"] = true, ["HJS29340"] = true},
  distance = 2.5, -- This is the distance for you to be at for the target to turn blue, this is in GTA units and has to be a float value


Function Format

RemoveGlobalTypeOptions(type: integer, labels: table or string)

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

exports['qb-target']:RemoveType(1, 'Test') -- 1 is for peds


Function Format

RemoveGlobalPed(labels: table or string)

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one



Function Format

RemoveGlobalVehicle(labels: table or string)

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one



Function Format

RemoveGlobalObject(labels: table or string)

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one



Function Format

RemoveGlobalPlayer(labels: table or string)

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one



Function Format

RaycastCamera(flag: number, playerCoords: vector3) -- Preferably 30 or -1, -1 will not interact with any hashes higher than 32 bit and 30 will not interact with the world

Export option, this will go into any client side resource file aside from qb-target's one

  while true do
    local curFlag = 30
    local coords, distance, entity, entityType = exports['qb-target']:RaycastCamera(-1, GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()))
    if entityType > 0 then
      print('Got an entity')
    if curFlag = 30 then curFlag = -1 else curFlag = 30 end

Ped Spawner

Function Format

SpawnPed(datatable: table)

-- This is for 1 ped
datatable = {
  model: string or number,
  coords: vector4,
  minusOne: boolean,
  freeze: boolean,
  invincible: boolean,
  blockevents: boolean,
  animDict: string,