I like buttons
Last updated
I like buttons
Last updated
An NUI menu with pressable buttons is very easy to use/edit and very versatile
Menu icons can be found on the Font Awesome website
Examples are done on the CLIENT side
RegisterCommand('qbmenutest', function()
header = 'QBCore Test Menu',
icon = 'fas fa-code',
isMenuHeader = true, -- Set to true to make a nonclickable title
header = 'First Button',
txt = 'Print a message!',
icon = 'fas fa-code-merge',
params = {
event = 'qb-menu:client:testButton',
args = {
message = 'This was called by clicking a button'
header = 'Second Button',
txt = 'Open a secondary menu!',
icon = 'fas fa-code-pull-request',
-- disabled = false, -- optional, non-clickable and grey scale
-- hidden = true, -- optional, hides the button completely
params = {
-- isServer = false, -- optional, specify event type
event = 'qb-menu:client:subMenu',
args = {
number = 2,
RegisterNetEvent('qb-menu:client:subMenu', function(data)
local number = data.number
header = 'Return to main menu',
icon = 'fa-solid fa-backward',
params = {
event = 'qb-menu:client:mainMenu',
args = {}
header = 'Sub-menu button',
txt = 'Print a message!',
icon = 'fas fa-code-merge',
params = {
event = 'qb-menu:client:testButton',
args = {
message = 'This was called by clicking a button'
RegisterNetEvent('qb-menu:client:mainMenu', function()
RegisterNetEvent('qb-menu:client:testButton', function(data)
local staff = { -- our table we will loop through to get button values
['Kakarot'] = 'Dictator',
['Kings'] = 'Pleb',
['Griefa'] = 'Toxic',
['Fish'] = 'Sexy'
RegisterCommand('qbmenutable', function()
local staffList = {}
staffList[#staffList + 1] = { -- create non-clickable header button
isMenuHeader = true,
header = 'QBCore Test Loop Menu',
icon = 'fa-solid fa-infinity'
for k,v in pairs(staff) do -- loop through our table
staffList[#staffList + 1] = { -- insert data from our loop into the menu
header = k,
txt = 'Yeah they are definitely '..v,
icon = 'fa-solid fa-face-grin-tears',
params = {
event = 'example:client:notify', -- event name
args = {
name = k, -- value we want to pass
label = v
exports['qb-menu']:openMenu(staffList) -- open our menu
RegisterNetEvent('example:client:notify', function(data)
print('My favorite QBCore staff member is the '..data.label..' '..data.name)