
Slices of pie?


  • Similar to qb-menu , this NUI menu allows for multiple actions to be done and is configurable based on job

This menu can be heavily modified to change its behavior based on a number of different scenarios such as where the player is located and more!

Supports up to Font Awesome version 6.1.1




Config = {}
Config.EnableExtraMenu = true -- enable/disable vehicle extra's menu
Config.ExtrasEnabled = true -- enable/disable the extra clothing commands

Read USAGE EXAMPLE BELOW before attempting to use this menu!!

Usage example

When looking at the config it can be intimidating but read this format and it will help!

Config.MenuItems = { -- this is the main table for the menu and is not job locked
    [1] = { -- index of the menu option, this must be in order numerically
        id = 'mainmenu', -- id of the menu option, this must be unique!
        title = 'Main Menu Option', -- title shown on the menu option
        icon = 'bars', -- icon shown on the menu option
        items = { -- anything in the items table is considered a sub menu!
                id = 'submenu',
                title = 'Sub Menu Option',
                icon = 'bars',
                type = '', -- event type to call, client/server
                event = '', -- event name to call
                shouldClose = true -- enable/disable menu closing on click
            { -- example of adding another sub menu item
                id = 'submenu2',
                title = 'Another Sub Menu',
                icon = 'bar',
                items = { -- example of adding a sub menu inside a sub menu
                        id = 'nestedsubmenu',
                        title = 'Nested Sub Menu Option',
                        icon = 'bars',
                        type = '', -- event type to call, client/server/command/qbcommand
                        event = '', -- event name, command name
                        shouldClose = true -- enable/disable menu closing on click
    [2] = { -- example of adding another main menu item
        id = 'mainmenu2',
        title = 'Another main menu item',
        icon = 'bars',
        items = {
                id = 'submenu3',
                title = 'Sub Menu',
                icon = 'bars',
                type = '',
                event = '',
                shouldClose = true

Job menu

Config.JobInteractions = {
    ["taxi"] = { -- menu index is the job name, must match!
            id = 'togglemeter',
            title = 'Show/Hide Meter',
            icon = 'eye-slash',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-taxi:client:toggleMeter',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'togglemouse',
            title = 'Start/Stop Meter',
            icon = 'hourglass-start',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-taxi:client:enableMeter',
            shouldClose = true
        }, {
            id = 'npc_mission',
            title = 'NPC Mission',
            icon = 'taxi',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-taxi:client:DoTaxiNpc',
            shouldClose = true

Vehicle trunks

Config.TrunkClasses = { -- vehicle class, enable/disable trunk access, rotation
    [0] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.5, z = 0.0}, -- Coupes
    [1] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -2.0, z = 0.0}, -- Sedans
    [2] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- SUVs
    [3] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.5, z = 0.0}, -- Coupes
    [4] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -2.0, z = 0.0}, -- Muscle
    [5] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -2.0, z = 0.0}, -- Sports Classics
    [6] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -2.0, z = 0.0}, -- Sports
    [7] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -2.0, z = 0.0}, -- Super
    [8] = {allowed = false, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Motorcycles
    [9] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Off-road
    [10] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Industrial
    [11] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Utility
    [12] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Vans
    [13] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Cycles
    [14] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Boats
    [15] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Helicopters
    [16] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Planes
    [17] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Service
    [18] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Emergency
    [19] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Military
    [20] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25}, -- Commercial
    [21] = {allowed = true, x = 0.0, y = -1.0, z = 0.25} -- Trains

Vehicle seats

Config.VehicleSeats = {
    id = 'vehicleseats',
    title = 'Vehicle Seats',
    icon = 'chair',
    items = {} -- dynamically changed depending on vehicle, don't edit

Vehicle extras

Config.VehicleExtras = {
    id = 'vehicleextras',
    title = 'Vehicle Extras',
    icon = 'plus',
    items = {
            id = 'extra1',
            title = 'Extra 1',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra2',
            title = 'Extra 2',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra3',
            title = 'Extra 3',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra4',
            title = 'Extra 4',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra5',
            title = 'Extra 5',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra6',
            title = 'Extra 6',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra7',
            title = 'Extra 7',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra8',
            title = 'Extra 8',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra9',
            title = 'Extra 9',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra10',
            title = 'Extra 10',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra11',
            title = 'Extra 11',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra12',
            title = 'Extra 12',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'extra13',
            title = 'Extra 13',
            icon = 'box-open',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:setExtra',
            shouldClose = false

Vehicle doors

Config.VehicleDoors = {
    id = 'vehicledoors',
    title = 'Vehicle Doors',
    icon = 'car-side',
    items = {
            id = 'door0',
            title = 'Drivers door',
            icon = 'car-side',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:openDoor',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'door4',
            title = 'Hood',
            icon = 'car',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:openDoor',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'door1',
            title = 'Passengers door',
            icon = 'car-side',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:openDoor',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'door3',
            title = 'Right rear',
            icon = 'car-side',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:openDoor',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'door5',
            title = 'Trunk',
            icon = 'car',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:openDoor',
            shouldClose = false
        }, {
            id = 'door2',
            title = 'Left rear',
            icon = 'car-side',
            type = 'client',
            event = 'qb-radialmenu:client:openDoor',
            shouldClose = false

Clothing commands

You should not have to touch any of this other than the menu labels to translate

Config.Commands = {
    ["top"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("Top") end,
        Sprite = "top",
        Desc = "Take your shirt off/on",
        Button = 1,
        Name = "Torso"
    ["gloves"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("gloves") end,
        Sprite = "gloves",
        Desc = "Take your gloves off/on",
        Button = 2,
        Name = "Gloves"
    ["visor"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleProps("visor") end,
        Sprite = "visor",
        Desc = "Toggle hat variation",
        Button = 3,
        Name = "Visor"
    ["bag"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("Bag") end,
        Sprite = "bag",
        Desc = "Opens or closes your bag",
        Button = 8,
        Name = "Bag"
    ["shoes"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("Shoes") end,
        Sprite = "shoes",
        Desc = "Take your shoes off/on",
        Button = 5,
        Name = "Shoes"
    ["vest"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("Vest") end,
        Sprite = "vest",
        Desc = "Take your vest off/on",
        Button = 14,
        Name = "Vest"
    ["hair"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("hair") end,
        Sprite = "hair",
        Desc = "Put your hair up/down/in a bun/ponytail.",
        Button = 7,
        Name = "Hair"
    ["hat"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleProps("Hat") end,
        Sprite = "hat",
        Desc = "Take your hat off/on",
        Button = 4,
        Name = "Hat"
    ["glasses"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleProps("Glasses") end,
        Sprite = "glasses",
        Desc = "Take your glasses off/on",
        Button = 9,
        Name = "Glasses"
    ["ear"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleProps("Ear") end,
        Sprite = "ear",
        Desc = "Take your ear accessory off/on",
        Button = 10,
        Name = "Ear"
    ["neck"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("Neck") end,
        Sprite = "neck",
        Desc = "Take your neck accessory off/on",
        Button = 11,
        Name = "Neck"
    ["watch"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleProps("Watch") end,
        Sprite = "watch",
        Desc = "Take your watch off/on",
        Button = 12,
        Name = "Watch",
        Rotation = 5.0
    ["bracelet"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleProps("Bracelet") end,
        Sprite = "bracelet",
        Desc = "Take your bracelet off/on",
        Button = 13,
        Name = "Bracelet"
    ["mask"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("Mask") end,
        Sprite = "mask",
        Desc = "Take your mask off/on",
        Button = 6,
        Name = "Mask"

local bags = {[40] = true, [41] = true, [44] = true, [45] = true}

Config.ExtraCommands = {
    ["pants"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("Pants", true) end,
        Sprite = "pants",
        Desc = "Take your pants off/on",
        Name = "Pants",
        OffsetX = -0.04,
        OffsetY = 0.0
    ["shirt"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("Shirt", true) end,
        Sprite = "shirt",
        Desc = "Take your shirt off/on",
        Name = "shirt",
        OffsetX = 0.04,
        OffsetY = 0.0
    ["reset"] = {
        Func = function()
            if not ResetClothing(true) then
                Notify('Nothing To Reset', 'error')
        Sprite = "reset",
        Desc = "Revert everything back to normal",
        Name = "reset",
        OffsetX = 0.12,
        OffsetY = 0.2,
        Rotate = true
    ["bagoff"] = {
        Func = function() ToggleClothing("Bagoff", true) end,
        Sprite = "bagoff",
        SpriteFunc = function()
            local Bag = GetPedDrawableVariation(PlayerPedId(), 5)
            local BagOff = LastEquipped["Bagoff"]
            if LastEquipped["Bagoff"] then
                if bags[BagOff.Drawable] then
                    return "bagoff"
                    return "paraoff"
            if Bag ~= 0 then
                if bags[Bag] then
                    return "bagoff"
                    return "paraoff"
                return false
        Desc = "Take your bag off/on",
        Name = "bagoff",
        OffsetX = -0.12,
        OffsetY = 0.2

Last updated